Based in New Salem ND
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About Us
Oringally Founded in 2017,
Today BlueBotPC is on a mission to deliver world-class Network & Cloud Solutions to Small and Medium-sized Businesses across North Dakota and the United States of America!
While working as an IT Contractor, I noticed that many Medium-sized businesses would hire an outside IT Consulting Agency for their IT Infrastructure needs. Just for them to be left hanging when an outage would occured. Often times while engaging with these Vendors to help mitigate these outages I would encounter knowledge issues, security and process issues, and most importantly, the outside Agnecy didn’t truly understand the business. They just saw easy hardware markup.
When you engage with BlueBotPC, you are working with knowledgeable; dedicated; driven; Technicians and Engineers who love to build and repair technology.
Meet the Team
Matt Faulkner - Founder of BlueBotPC; Network Engineer for a Fortune 100.
Ruby Faulkner - Lead Technician; USPS Rural Carrier
Aaron Faulkner - Low Voltage Installer; Journeyman Electrician (Union)